Table Of ContentsTools for conducting online experimentsPlatforms to build survey experiments (or just questionnaire surveys)Platform for recruiting participants online for experiments and surveysRecruiting participants for …
Here I maintain a list of several podcasts about behavioural economics, behavioural science, nudge, decision making and all around these topics. The list is not …
A great way to get introduced to concepts and applications of behavioral economics, nudging, behavioural insights, and in behavioural science in general, is to sign …
This playlist of videos, recently released by the behavioural economics team in the Australian Prime Minister’s department, covers almost the entire BX2018 event.
On the following …
BX2017 brings together leading academics, policy makers and practitioners to share how behavioural insights can create sound policies for an inclusive society.
Conference material available here.
This little tutorial on Zotero and Zotero Add-ons, will show how I have set up Zotero to store files in a separate folder, the procedure …
A nice overview of different meanings of rationality.
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In the era of 160 characters we need to re-learn how to converse. Really nice TED-talk on how to improve our daily conversations.